Introduction to this Website

In March, 2023: I deleted 600+ pages; on the new primary website: .
Unknown to me, Word Press automatically deletes pages in the Trash folder after 30 days, so most of the 600+ to 700+ pages are now all gone; that I had planned to review and restore some of them. O’ well. Those things happen!!!
Likewise, I actually permanently removed the databases of the 700+ pages; hundreds of Videos and the 2,186 Audio Sermons on the other websites and have now added similar pages and am in the process of uploading the Audio Sermons back online. This removed all of the clutter and broken links on all of the websites in a one time process; as to begin anew. The pages that are online now, are all that I have and will probably not add any more; as I just need to move forward with other projects.
The Sermons and most of the scientific information on this website are from:
Pastor Tom McElmurry.
His Website is:

Tom McElmurry is a pastor who holds University, Seminary, and Institutional degrees in Physical Science, Theology, and Divinity. He was certified as a Meteorologist in 1954 by the United States Air Force; became a member of the American Meteorological Society in 1962; served in the Mid-eastern, African, European, and Far-Eastern Theaters as a Meteorologist; and is a member of the Israel Geological Society. He worked as a tornado forecaster in the Kansas City Severe Weather Service, and as an analyst for the National Security Agency, retiring from the USAF-NSA in 1971. He has taught Physics, Chemistry, Physical Science, Biology, and Earth Science in the public school system as a certified teacher, and has written three books: Tectonic Chaos, Tribulation Triad, and Tribulation Birth Pangs from the Bottomless Pit. He has also written scientific articles published by the USAF and the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. His wife and family reside in Dardanelle, Arkansas, where he has pastored since 1974; for 45 years. His military and civilian education includes 2,730 clock hours of meteorological instruction in USAF selected institutions of higher learning, and more than 265 University and Seminary hours in undergraduate and graduate studies. He has lectured worldwide in 20 Missionary Baptist colleges and seminaries, and in more than 800 Missionary Baptist Churches in Lithuania, Romania, Africa, and the U.S.A. He is a distinguished graduate of the USAFMAC Military Academy.



On April 5, 2019;

Pastor Thomas Marshal McElmurry passed from this earth life into the Eternal Spiritual Life.

1….Thomas Marshal McElmurry obituary

This following material added on September 14, 2023:  A Cordial, Humble and Respectful Greetings to Everyone; with a very important message to the Honorable President of the United States of America; the Vice President; the Cabinet Members; the United States Congress; the Governors of the 50 States, along with the many State Legislatures; the Mayors; the People of the United States; the Citizens of Israel; the Leaders of all the Nations of the World and the vast billions of People; far and wide across this planet Earth. All people everywhere; in high and low positions, regardless of age, rank, social status of poverty or wealth; intelligence, influence and power over people, places and lands; here is a message for you.(There are some duplication of information and links on this page, as I have simply copied and pasted some of the same material on many pages throughout this website, as a “Message To Page” . I do not have time to check every single page for duplication, etc. If it ‘s to much for you, then just leave and take a quiet walk. Okay!!! Have a good day and a good life!!!)This Website contains Biblical, Geological and Meteorological  information about the soon coming concept of the Great Tribulation Period.  It describes the Seven Trumpets and the Seven Vials of the Wrath of God; within the Book of Revelation to the point of almost letting people of the world know perhaps the day, week or month of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the beginning of the Millennial Reign.Mr. President: it is my hope, your staff will brief you on this information and you will be able to help guide our nation (the U.S.A.) through these events.

This time frame will last for about 3 1/2 years. It basically will begin when Islam attacks Israel, captures Jerusalem and northern Israel. An Islamic Caliphate will be established in the Middle East, with an original ten Arab nations; as described in the Book of Daniel and in Revelation. It will likewise, consist of Cosmic Lightning, a Comet hitting the Earth; Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Volcanic Eruptions on a global scale, as the earth is being restructured. It will be a gradual process, with an increase intensity of these events; toward the Parousia; in which the earth will be completely encircled by a Volcanic Ash Cloud.


This is a Message to Every Person on the Planet Earth.

This short statement is for everyone:  Regardless of who you are; or who you think you are and likewise concerning what you have or what you think you have and you can place any name or anything in the equation: If you are not extremely careful; you will spend your entire life focused on the things surrounding you and they will absorb, deceive and trick you so much, you will miss out towards seeking the Lord.
Your life on earth is only a “limited amount of time”; then you pass away into the eternal state, into infinity.
You need to buy up, that is, make better use of the “time in your life” as to being rich toward God with whatever “time you have”; because there is a limited amount of the “time in your life” and you cannot buy/get it back, once it is gone!!!

This Website has details of the nearly 3,000 year-old Biblical Prophecy of the Antichrist in the Middle East of the Islamic Caliphate of 10 Islamic Nations; the End Time Great Tribulation Period; (Cosmic Lightning, Great Earthquakes, a Large Comet hitting the Earth; Global Tsunamis and Massive Volcanic Eruptions); the Parousia event, the Wrath of God on earth, (resulting in a destruction of the majority of humanity, primarily along the Tectonic Plate Boundaries and Costal Regions of the Earth); the Second Advent and the beginning of the Millennial Reign.
Sometime in the future, the Middle East terrorist groups will halt their activity and more Arab countries will appear to be on a path of Peace with Israel, then all of a sudden, in an organized plan, the Islamic forces in the Middle East will attack Israel. This battle will cause the death of 2/3rds of the Jewish population in Israel, according to Bible Prophecy.
The leader of this Islamic invasion will appear to be killed in the battle and likewise, appear to be resurrected from the dead. He will become the Biblical Antichrist, who will be directly empowered by the Ancient Dragon; namely the Devil, the archangel Lucifer or Satan and will be able to establish an Islamic Caliphate consisting of a base of ten Islamic nations in the Middle East. It will last for 3 ½ years and it will be the time of the Great Tribulation Period.
After Jerusalem falls and the remaining Israelis withdraw south to Beersheba, then various nations will broker a truce between Islam and Negev Israel. This period of Peace and Safety will last for 3 plus years. The Biblical Antichrist a.k.a. the Islamic leader of this invasion will conquer Egypt and establish his Caliphate Capital at Cairo. He will use the 3 plus years to establish a gigantic Caliphate as other Islamic nations join the original base of ten nations.
The invisible Resurrection and the Rapture or Catching out of True Christian Believers, who survive through the 6 Trumpets, will occur on the 7th Trumpet of the Book of Revelation; will occur about 1,290 days after the Islamic Antichrist attacks Israel. Likewise, the Second Advent or Parousia will occur about 1,335 days after this attack.
The Wrath of God will occur for about a 45-day time frame at the very end of this Great Tribulation Period. The Lord Jesus Christ will Return as the Parousia at the end of this 3 ½ year period through a Volcanic Ash Cloud that will encircle the entire planet Earth.
The Great Tribulation Period will consist of a possible 3 direct Cosmic Lighting Strikes from Several Massive Coronal Mass Ejections (for a study on my website, check out: Cosmic Lightning); Great Earthquakes; Catastrophic Volcanic Eruptions; a Comet hitting the Earth and Massive Tsunamis on a Global Scale. The majority of humanity will not survive through this End of the World event; therefore, the majority of people on the earth will not be allowed to enter the Millennial Reign.
When these events are in full display, then we will know for certain after almost 2,000 years, it is the correct time for the End of this Age, as the beginning of the Millennial Reign will be approaching.
The following are a detailed description of the Trumpets and Vials of the Book of Revelation in which will be occurring during the duration of the 3 ½ years of the Great Tribulation Period.
The Sounding of the Trumpets
In Revelation 8:1, seven Angels are given seven trumpets. Each trumpet announces the beginning of certain events which can be for a worldwide or local area. They can be for events on the surface of the earth, in the oceans, in the atmosphere or in the spiritual world.
Revelation 8:7 – 1st trumpet – volcanic activity begins on the earth destroying one third of the trees and all the green grass surrounding the volcano.
Revelation 8:8-9 – 2nd trumpet – volcanic activity begins in the oceans killing one third of sea life and producing worldwide tsunami waves, which destroy a third of the ships in port.
Revelation 8:10 -11- 3rd trumpet – a great comet strikes the earth, melts and is absorbed into the hydrological cycle, producing hydrocyanic acid, poisoning one third of the earth’s water supply, proceeded by a meteor storm as the comet begins its atmospheric entrance.
Revelation 8:12 – 4th trumpet – a dramatic increase in worldwide volcanic activity, creates a dust haze over a third of the earth.
Revelation 9:1-12 – 5th trumpet – a massive chain of worldwide volcanic eruptions and releasing of demonic beings from the earth’s interior, which torment lost humanity for five months.
Revelation 9:13-21 – 6th trumpet – release of four demonic kings, which lead approximately 200 million demons to kill a third of the human population with fire, smoke and an intense sulfurous suffocating odor.
Revelation 11:15-19 – 7th trumpet – announces the time of the judging of the dead and to give rewards to saved souls in the presence of Jesus Christ in the spiritual kingdom, understood as the invisible Resurrection; followed by the Catching Out or Rapture of True Christian Believers and the occurrence of an earthquake and great volcanic hail upon the earth.
The Wrath of God
The Apostle John explains the wrath of God in a picture of catastrophic terror and horrors coming upon the earth because of the wickedness of humanity and in order to make necessary changes in the geological structure in the land of Israel. This period of the wrath of God lasts only for about 45 days. They are a continuation and an increase of intensity of the seven trumpets which have just been completed.
The entire text is found in Revelation 16:1-21.
Revelation 16:2 – 1st plague – a shift in the magnetic field of the earth, from the earthquakes, leaving the earth temporarily without its protective shield, resulting in cosmic radiation mutilating the human flesh of those who worship the beast of Revelation known as the Islamic antichrist in the Middle East.
Revelation 16:3 – 2nd plague – the heating of the oceans by undersea lava causing the reproduction of various dinoflagellates at a fantastic rate, producing oxidation and red tide.
Revelation 16:4-7 – 3rd plague – a poisoning of the earth’s freshwater supply by a comet’s release of methyl cyanide, hydrogen cyanide and a whole range of cyanogenic poisonous gases into the hydrological cycle.
Revelation 16:8-9 – 4th plague – destruction of the ozone layer by volcanic activity, allowing penetration of ultraviolet radiation causing a burning skin cancer.
Revelation 16:10-11 – 5th plague – a massive pyroclastic holocaust from volcanic lava upon wicked humanity.
Revelation 16:12-16 – 6th plague – the releasing of three evil spirits, causing people to worship the antichrist and to gather for the battle of Armageddon, including the diversion of the Euphrates River towards the Jordan River valley.
Revelation 16:17-21 – 7th plague – the greatest earthquake to ever have occurred since humanity has been on earth will take place in the Jordan river valley, causing the city of Jerusalem to split into three sections and producing a chain reaction of earthquakes, which will cause the cities of the nations of the world to fall into ruin, ending with catastrophic global volcanic activity, developing a single dust cloud encircling the entire planet earth and the final event of the Great Tribulation Period of Earthquakes and Volcanoes will be the destruction of Rome, Italy with the ending of the religious system in the Vatican City with Volcanic Burning and a subsidence into a Subduction Zone of Hades and a submersion from the waters of the Mediterranean Sea.
After all of these events, the Lord Jesus Christ will Return to the earth through the Volcanic Ash cloud now encircling the earth, that has been building for the past several years. This will be the Parousia event and the Millennial Reign will begin.
The Final 1335 Days Of The Age Of The Gentiles
Event 1 – Israel is attacked 1335 days before the end of the Tribulation Period.
Event 2 – Some 30 days later the two witnesses begin their testimony in Israel when Jerusalem falls.
Event 3 – Some 45 days later the IDF is driven south to Beersheba and the United Nations brokers a truce or hudna is agreed to by Islam and Israel.
Event 4 – Israel remains surrounded in the Negev Wilderness for some 1260 days after the truce agreement.
Event 5 – Some 45 days before the end of the Age of the Gentiles the two witnesses will be killed by the Antichrist after having testified for 42 months (1260 days). The Antichrist will declare himself to be God on the Temple Mount – This is the abomination that makes desolate.
Event 6 – Three-and-one-half days later three events occur in rapid succession. They all three occur on the same day.
#1 – The two witnesses ascend up to heaven through the clouds.
#2 – A great earthquake occurs in the same hour the two witnesses depart.
#3 – The last trump (7th) Trump sounds and all of the saved are caught up.
Event 7 – All of the saved are judged in heaven while the seven vials of God’s wrath are poured out on unbelievers.
Event 8 – Christ returns with all the saved some 1335 days after the initial attack of Islamic forces against Israel.
Israel will be attacked to start the last 1335 days of Israel’s Travail.
Jerusalem will fall 30 days after the initial attack.
The two witnesses will testify for 1260 days after the fall of Jerusalem.
A truce or hudna will be declared at Beersheba 45 days after Jerusalem falls.
Israel will remain in the Negev for 1260 days after the truce or hudna. Antichrist will kill the two witnesses and declare himself to be God on the Temple Mount making himself the abomination that makes desolate.
Three and one-half days later three events occur in rapid succession on the same day: (1) The two witnesses ascend into heaven, (2) A great earthquake occurs, and (3) The seventh trump sounds and all the saved are caught up, including the sealed 144,000.
Regardless of who you are; or who you think you are and likewise concerning what you have or what you think you have and you can place any name or anything in the equation: If you are not extremely careful; you will spend your entire life focused on the things surrounding you and they will absorb, deceive and trick you so much, you will miss out towards seeking the Lord.
Your life on earth is only a “limited amount of time”; then you pass away into the eternal state, into infinity, for better or worse!!! Be wise and seek the Lord while you have “time”.
You need to buy up, that is, make better use of the “time in your life” as to being rich toward God with whatever “time you have”; because there is a limited amount of the “time in your life” and you cannot buy/get it back, once it is gone!!!
Isaiah 55: [6] Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: [7] Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. [8] For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. [9] For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. [10] For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: [11] So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.


The following are the Hebrew and Greek translation that I made from many Lexicons and from the three different Greek New Testament Texts.

A composite of the Hebrew words for Joel 2:30: And I will show a token, a sign and wonder in the visible arch of the sky where the clouds move and throughout all the earth, in the fields, in the country, in the wilderness and it will have the appearance of blood; along with a burning, hot flaming fire; with columns of cloudy dust, smoke and vapor.

A composite of the Hebrew words for Joel 2:31: The brilliant sun, from the rising of the sun in the east to the sun rays in the arch ways of the sky, will be changed into darkness; as if it were night and the moon will take on the appearance of blood before the great and noble, fearful and terrible day in which Jehovah; the self-Existing One; the Eternal Lord shall come.

A composite of the Greek words for Acts 2:19: And I will bring forth a rare event so extraordinary, it will inspire wonder; for it will be in the elevated area of the sky and a token of these events; will be throughout the entire regions under the surface of the soil, of all the land of the world; for it will be a visible wonder of flowing substance like blood; of flashes of lightning and fire; with a mist of smoke.

A composite of the Greek words for Acts 2:20: The rising of the sun in the east and the rays of daily light will become as an outlining shadow and the bright shining moon, will appear to be a blood red color; before that mighty and visible day in which the One in supreme authority will come.


This time period, will be a “Mountain Building Period“; “Mountain Building Period Images“.  It will not be over millions of years, but an extremely short time frame; as to prepare the Nation of Israel for the Millennial Reign [Revelation 20:1-6.] It will affect the structure of the earth in various ways, as you can study the following list and see how this process will occur. There will be no doubt, what is happening; when it actually starts and continues for several years. When it ends, the vast majority of humanity will perish and only a small number of people will be permitted to enter the Millennial Reign. The masses of over 8 billion people on this earth are going to be in great distress during these events; as they will be met with destruction and death on an unbelievable scale. The terrible thing about all of this: most of the human beings on this planet, don’t understand what will be occurring and are unaware of what is coming afterwards. What about you???


Your Life is immensely short; at the very most, perhaps nearly 100 years.

The age of the Earth is about 4.5 billion years. Most Galaxies are estimated to be 10.0 to 13.6 billion years old; with the { Milky Way Galaxy } having about 100 to 400 billion stars, is a very old galaxy; at about 13.6 billion years. There are several of the oldest known stars in the Universe within the Milky Way Galaxy: 1. { HD 140283 } (also known as the Methuselah star; about 12.0 to 13.7 billion years.)  and 2. { List of Oldest Stars } in the Galaxy. There are numerous galaxies in the { Local Group of Galaxies }; although the exact number of galaxies in the Local Group is unknown, as some are occluded by the Milky Way; however, at least 80 members are known, most of which are { Dwarf Galaxies }; which is part of the { Laniakea Supercluster }, containing approximately 100,000 other galaxies. In March 2019, astronomers reported that the { Virial Mass } of the Milky Way Galaxy is 1.54 trillion { Solar Masses }, suggesting that about 90% of the mass of the galaxy is { Dark Matter }. There are estimated to be about 10 million { Superclusters } in the { Universe }.

The Universe, having upwards to about 2 trillion { Galaxies } ; being about 13.8 billion years. There are { Dark Galaxies } that are almost void of stars and made up of mostly Dark Matter, such as the { Dragonfly 44 Galaxy }. There are a countless number  of { Cosmic Structures } within the Universe; including things, such as { Black Holes }; { Nebulas }; { Exoplanets }; { Cosmic Voids }; { Quasars }; { Pulsars }; and many other { Astronomical Objects }. All of this material makes up only about 5% of existence, as we understand it to be!!! The other 95% is { Dark Matter } and { Dark Energy } or substance beyond the elements of which we know as the Earth and the Universe.

There are currently slightly over 8 billion people in the world; and throughout the history of humanity, there are estimates to have been about 110 billion people, who have been born, lived and died on earth.

In other words, your life; all of the foolish events that occur throughout the worldwide entertainment industry; the massive (propaganda) fake news media; the many areas of political and social agenda’s that twist and turn like the wind; and yes, including the vast amount of sports programs that last for a moment and are nothing more than a distraction, then vanishes away like a small vapor and finally; all of the false religions, with their pastors, preachers, priests and leaders; that are virtually beyond number, which deceive the masses; and including just the daily aspects of life, that overwhelms society; are merely a fraction of the universal time of infinite existence.

My humble suggestion to you: don’t get caught up in all of this type of “nonsense”. It’s simply not worth it and you are wasting your life. Your life is so very, very short!!!

My comment to everyone: Be a responsible person, but: Don’t waste your time on all of these “nonsense things”. Once the moments of your life are gone and whatever “time in your life” you have wasted on these “nonsense things”: You cannot get it back. Not one second; not a minute; not an hour; not a day; absolutely nothing!!! It’s gone forever.

All you have now is the future. Make the best; or at least, better use of whatever “time you have left”, mostly toward seeking the Lord; by Bible Study, Prayer and Correct Scriptural Worship…


Hey viewers; “The hand writing may be on the wall”; concerning the current chaos in Israel; don’t be surprised, if the Islamic forces use this governmental, military and social unrest as an opportunity to conduct a jihad attack. Anyone with knowledge of the Middle East, can rest assured; the Arab counties are fully aware of what is occurring and are just waiting for the moment to seize the chance to proceed with the invasion of Israel.
When it happens, then a Great Earthquake in the Book of Revelation chapter Six will occur; which might be the same as the Earthquake on the Mount of Olives; which will cause it to split apart and form a great valley to allow some of the Jewish people in Jerusalem to escape to the Negev. It is for certain: Jerusalem will be captured, along with all of the Land in northern Israel. Afterwards, it will be time for Islam and Negev Israel to sign a truce. The Antichrist/Islamic Leader will proceed to Egypt and begin to establish his Caliphate in Cairo, which will last for 3 and 1/2 years or 42 months with the original Ten Arab Countries, as foretold in the Book of Daniel and in Revelation.
Zechariah 14: [1] Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. [2] For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. [3] Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. [4] And his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. [5] And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the LORD my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. [6] And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark: [7] But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light.
Shortly after this event, for the next 1,260 days +/-; the Seven Trumpets of the Book of Revelation will be occurring. At the end of this time period, this Islamic Antichrist/Leader will return to Jerusalem, set his command post on the Temple Mount and conduct the Armageddon battle. The Wrath of God from the Seven Vials of Revelation will begin and last for about a 45-day period. Then the Lord Jesus Christ will Return as the Parousia and begin His Millennial Reign!!! Keep watching, as at least you will have some idea what is going to happen!!!
This Islamic Leader will be able to unite all of the Middle East Terrorist Groups with the single goal of attacking Israel and with an assurance of conquering the northern portion of Israel. Here is a small list of Terrorist Groups from the Internet. There is a sufficient number of groups, if united; to attack Israel and fulfill their desired goal; if Israel is caught by surprise; especially, if they are in a state of governmental, military and social unrest.
In addition to the current events in Israel, the Solar Cycle 25 may begin in late 2023, which might possibly cause Cosmic Lightning to impact Earth and cause the three Great Earthquakes in the Book of Revelation. If all of these events begin to unfold, then it will truly be the End of the Age of Grace and the Millennial Reign will be approaching in the near future.
The following videos will give you the goal of this website; which is to describe how the Earth will be the primary instrument, by way of Earthquakes and Volcanoes as the means of the Great Tribulation Period events. The masses of humanity are so overwhelmed by their life upon Earth; it is ironic, that it will be the Earth that will be used to destroy most of humanity; while resurfacing and restructuring the Earth during this time frame; before the beginning of the Millennial Reign.
Piton de la Fournaise Volcano:
The following News Links from different Search Engines, will provide you with the current Earthquake and Volcano News information.
Earthquake News Links:
Volcano News Links:

This Website has details of the nearly 3,000 year-old Biblical Prophecy of the Antichrist in the Middle East of the Islamic Caliphate of 10 Islamic Nations; the End Time Great Tribulation Period; which includes Cosmic Lightning, Great Earthquakes, a Large Comet hitting the Earth; Global Tsunamis and Massive Volcanic Eruptions; the Parousia event, the Wrath of God on earth; resulting in a destruction of the majority of humanity, primarily along the Tectonic Plate Boundaries and Coastal Regions of the Earth; the Second Advent and the beginning of the Millennial Reign.

Sometime in the future, the Middle East terrorist groups will halt their activity and more Arab countries will appear to be on a path of Peace with Israel, then all of a sudden, in an organized plan, the Islamic forces in the Middle East will attack Israel. This battle will cause the death of two-thirds of the Jewish population in Israel, according to Bible Prophecy.

The leader of this Islamic invasion will appear to be killed in the battle and likewise, appear to be resurrected from the dead. He will become the Biblical Antichrist, who will be directly empowered by the Ancient Dragon; namely the Devil or Satan; who is the archangel Lucifer and will be able to establish an Islamic Caliphate consisting of a base of ten Islamic nations in the Middle East. It will last for 3 ½ years and it will be the time of the Great Tribulation Period.

After Jerusalem falls and the remaining Israelis withdraw south to Beersheba, then various nations will broker a truce between Islam and Negev Israel. This period of Peace and Safety will last for 3 plus years. The Biblical Antichrist a.k.a. the Islamic leader of this invasion will conquer Egypt and establish his Caliphate Capital at Cairo. He will use the 3 plus years to establish a gigantic Caliphate as other Islamic nations join the original base of ten nations.

The invisible Resurrection and the Rapture or Catching out of True Christian Believers, who survive through the 6 Trumpets, will occur on the 7th Trumpet of the Book of Revelation; generally, about 1,290 days after the Islamic Antichrist attacks Israel. Likewise, the Second Advent or Parousia concludes about 1,335 days after this attack.

The Wrath of God will endure for about a 45-day time frame at the very end of this Great Tribulation Period. The Lord Jesus Christ will Return as the Parousia at the end of this 3 ½ year period through a Volcanic Ash Cloud that will encircle the entire planet Earth.

The Great Tribulation Period will consist of a possible 3 direct Cosmic Lighting Strikes from Several Large Coronal Mass Ejections; Great Earthquakes; Catastrophic Volcanic Eruptions; a Comet hitting the Earth and Massive Tsunamis on a Global Scale. The vast number of people will not survive through this End of the World event; therefore, most of the people on the earth will not be allowed to enter into the Millennial Reign.

When these events are in full display, then we will know for certain after almost 2,000 years, it is the correct time for the End of this Age, as the beginning of the Millennial Reign will be approaching.

After all of these geological and meteorological events; the Lord Jesus Christ will Return to the earth through the Volcanic Ash cloud now encircling the earth, that has been building for the past several years. This will be the Parousia event and the Millennial Reign will begin.

The Final 1,335 Days of the Age of the Gentiles

Event 1 – Israel is attacked 1,335 days before the end of the Tribulation Period.

Event 2 – Some 30 days later the two witnesses begin their testimony in Israel when Jerusalem falls.

Event 3 – Some 45 days later the IDF is driven south to Beersheba and the United Nations brokers a truce or hudna is agreed to by Islam and Israel.

Event 4 – Israel remains surrounded in the Negev Wilderness for some 1,260 days after the truce agreement.

Event 5 – Some 45 days before the end of the Age of the Gentiles the two witnesses will be killed by the Antichrist after having testified for 42 months (1260 days). The Antichrist will declare himself to be God on the Temple Mount – This is the abomination that makes desolate.

Event 6 – Three-and-one-half days later three events occur in rapid succession. They all three occur on the same day.

#1 – The two witnesses ascend up to heaven through the clouds.

#2 – A great earthquake occurs in the same hour the two witnesses depart.

#3 – The last trump (7th) Trump sounds and all of the saved are caught up.

Event 7 – All of the saved are judged in heaven while the seven vials of God’s wrath are poured out on unbelievers.

Event 8 – Christ returns with all the saved some 1,335 days after the initial attack of Islamic forces against Israel.


Israel will be attacked to start the last 1,335 days of Israel’s Travail.

Jerusalem will fall 30 days after the initial attack.

The two witnesses will testify for 1,260 days after the fall of Jerusalem.

A truce or hudna will be declared at Beersheba 45 days after Jerusalem falls.

Israel will remain in the Negev for 1,260 days after the truce or hudna. Antichrist will kill the two witnesses and declare himself to be God on the Temple Mount making himself the abomination that makes desolate.

Three and one-half days later three events occur in rapid succession on the same day: (1) The two witnesses ascend into heaven, (2) A great earthquake occurs, and (3) The seventh trump sounds and all the saved are caught up, including the sealed 144,000.

The following are some Hebrew and Greek word studies that I made from many Lexicons.

A composite of the Hebrew words for Joel 2:30: And I will show a token, a sign and wonder in the visible arch of the sky where the clouds move and throughout all the earth, in the fields, in the country, in the wilderness and it will have the appearance of blood; along with a burning, hot flaming fire; with columns of cloudy dust, smoke and vapor.

A composite of the Hebrew words for Joel 2:31: The brilliant sun, from the rising of the sun in the east to the sun rays in the arch ways of the sky, will be changed into darkness; as if it were night and the moon will take on the appearance of blood before the great and noble, fearful and terrible day in which Jehovah; the self-Existing One; the Eternal Lord shall come.

A composite of the Greek words for Acts 2:19: And I will bring forth a rare event so extraordinary, it will inspire wonder; for it will be in the elevated area of the sky and a token of these events; will be throughout the entire regions under the surface of the soil, of all the land of the world; for it will be a visible wonder of flowing substance like blood; of flashes of lightning and fire; with a mist of smoke.

A composite of the Greek words for Acts 2:20: The rising of the sun in the east and the rays of daily light will become as an outlining shadow and the bright shining moon, will appear to be a blood red color; before that mighty and visible day in which the One in supreme authority will come.

Regardless of who you are; or who you think you are and likewise concerning what you have or what you think you have and you can place any name or anything in the equation: If you are not extremely careful; you will spend your entire life focused on the things surrounding you and they will absorb, deceive and trick you so much, you will miss out towards seeking the Lord. Your life on earth is only a “limited amount of time”; then you pass away into the eternal state, into infinity; for better or for worse!!! Be wise and seek the Lord while you have “time”. You need to buy up, that is, make better use of the “time in your life” as to being rich toward God; with whatever “time you have”; because there is a limited amount of the “time in your life” and you cannot buy/get it back, once it is gone!!!

Isaiah 55: [6] Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: [7] Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. [8] For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. [9] For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. [10] For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: [11] So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Malachi 4:1For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of Hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

Because of the (Arrogant – Prideful) – Rebellious mindset and (Ethical – Religious Evil) – Wickedness of the Parents in this last generation and their influence upon their Children; the Lord of Hosts – (Warfare) will cause a Destruction of Volcanic Fire, that will be so widespread upon the Earth; it will destroy most of the Parents and even their Children. It will be such a Massive Destruction of Volcanic Fire across the entire global Earth; there will be very few people alive on Earth to enter the Millennial Reign.

Just as the ancient people use earthen mounds for a fire pot, for cooking, etc.; the LORD of Hosts, who is the LORD of Warfare, will use the Volcanic Fire of the earth; because it will come out from Volcanic Vents and Fissures across the surface on a global scale and will literally burn the majority of humanity from the earth during the Great Tribulation Period and mostly during the last about 45-days; known as the Wrath of God.

Isaiah 52: [7] How Beautiful upon the Mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth Peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!

Nahum 1: [15] Behold upon the Mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth Peace!

Romans 10: [12] For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. [13] For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be Saved. [14] How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a Preacher? [15] And how shall they Preach, except they be sent? As it is written, How Beautiful are the feet of them that Preach the Gospel of Peace and bring glad tidings of good things!

Matthew 19: [28] And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. [29] And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. [30] But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.

Matthew 20: [16] So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

Mark 10:  [29] And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel’s, [30] But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life. [31] But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.

Luke 13: [27] But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. [28] There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out. [29] And they shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, and shall sit down in the kingdom of God. [30] And, behold, there are last which shall be first, and there are first which shall be last.

 A Comet is approaching the inner solar system and may be more visible than the stars at night and maybe even be able to be seen during the day for a short time period in September/ October 2024. The 3rd Trumpet and Vial of the Book of Revelation deals with the star Wormwood; which will be a Comet that hits the earth above the “Old World Landmass of Eurasia and/or Afro-Eurasia” or a 3rd of the earth. Eurasia covers about (21 million square miles), or around 36.2% of the Earth’s total land area. The landmass contains well over 5 billion people, equating to approximately 70% of the world population. Afro-Eurasia encompasses about (33 million square miles), or 57% of the world’s land area and has a population of approximately 6.7 billion people, roughly 86% of the world population.
In other words, a Comet will for certain hit the earth in this area.
This soon arriving Comet has an orbit of about 80,000+ years; or may actually never have orbited the sun, according to some articles.
Before a particular Comet hits the earth; that will be the one for the 3rd Trumpet and 3rd Vial, there will be an increase in global Volcanic Eruptions on the Landmass for the 1st Trumpet and throughout the oceans of the world for the 2nd Trumpet.
1st Trumpet Study:  Revelation 1st Trumpet and 1st Vial
2nd Trumpet Study:  Revelation 2nd Trumpet and 2nd Vial
Link to study on this website:
01.  Revelation 3rd Trumpet and 3rd Vial
Links to other studies on the Internet:
01.  Comet c2023 A3 – General Search
02.  Images of Comet in Night Sky
05.  Wikipedia Comet C/2023-A3
Here are Video Links about the Comet:
01.  Comet: C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS
Here are a few Links to some Videos about Comets; as they will help you see a visual movement of a comet and how it can represent the Book of Revelation, “Wormwood”.
01.  Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) Time Lapse January 18, 2023
02.  Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) January 20, 2023
03.  Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) January 21, 2023
04.  Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) January 27, 2023
05.  Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) January 29, 2023
06.  Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks Time Lapse 2023-07-25
Here is another Comet heading towards the inner planets:
01.  Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks – Bing Search
02.  Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks – DuckDuckGo Search
03.  Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks – Google Search
04.  Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks – Yahoo Search
The Great Tribulation Period – Are You Ready?
Revelation 8:7 – 1st trumpet – volcanic activity begins on the land of the earth destroying one third of the trees and all the green grass surrounding the volcano, from the heat blast, lava flow and falling ash.
Revelation 8:8-9 – 2nd trumpet – volcanic activity begins in the ocean floor, killing one third of sea life and producing worldwide tsunami waves, which destroy one third of the ships in port.
Revelation 8:10-11 – 3rd trumpet – a great comet strikes the earth, melts and is absorbed into the hydrological cycle, producing hydrocyanic acid, poisoning one third of the earth’s water supply, proceeded by a meteor storm as the comet begins its atmospheric entrance.
Revelation 8:12 – 4th trumpet – a dramatic increase in worldwide volcanic activity, creates a dust haze over a third of the earth.
Revelation 9:1-12 – 5th trumpet – a massive chain of worldwide volcanic eruptions and releasing of demonic beings from the earth’s interior, which torment lost humanity for five months.
Revelation 9:13-21 – 6th trumpet – release of four demonic kings, which lead approximately 200 million demons to kill one third of the human population with volcanic fire, smoke and an intense sulfurous suffocating odor.
Revelation 11:15-19 – 7th trumpet – announces the time of the judging of the dead and to give rewards to “True” Christian Believers before the Judgment Seat of the Lord Jesus Christ in the spiritual kingdom, understood as the “Catching Out” or “Rapture” and the occurrence of an earthquake and great volcanic hail upon the earth.
The Wrath of God – This Time Period Lasts for About 45 Days
Revelation 16:2 – 1st plague – a shift in the magnetic field of the earth, from the earthquakes, leaving the earth temporarily without its protective shield, resulting in cosmic radiation mutilating human flesh.
Revelation 16:3 – 2nd plague – the heating of the oceans by undersea lava causing the reproduction of various dinoflagellates at a fantastic rate, producing oxidation and red tide. This event will bring about a massive destruction of aquatic life throughout the world oceans.
Revelation 16:4-7 – 3rd plague – a poisoning of the earth’s freshwater supply by a comets’ release of methyl cyanide, hydrogen cyanide and a whole range of cyanogenic poisonous gases into the hydrological cycle. This comet will most likely enter the atmosphere over the “Old World” landmass.
Revelation 16:8-9 – 4th plague – destruction of the ozone layer by volcanic activity, allowing penetration of ultraviolet radiation causing a burning skin cancer.
Revelation 16:10-11 – 5th plague – a massive pyroclastic holocaust from volcanic eruptions upon humanity.
Revelation 16:12-16 – 6th plague – the diversion of the Euphrates River towards the Jordan River valley due to an earthquake; causing the collapse of the Palmyride Fold Belt, Syria.
Revelation 16:17-21 – 7th plague – the greatest earthquake to ever have occurred since humanity has been on earth will take place in the Jordan River Valley, producing a chain reaction of earthquakes, which will cause the cities of the nations of the world to fall into ruin, ending with catastrophic global volcanic activity, developing a single dust cloud encircling the entire planet earth and the Destruction of Rome, Italy and the Vatican City, by Volcanic Fire from the Alban Hills and/or including the Monti Sabatini Volcanic Complex; ending with volcanic lava arising from beneath the Dead Sea Fault Zone, in the Jordan River Valley.
Revelation 14:20: And blood (volcanic lava) came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles.
The Great Flood:   Genesis 6: [5] And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. [6] And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. [7] And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. [11] The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. [12] And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. [13] And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. [17] And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and everything that is in the earth shall die.
Genesis 7: [4] For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth. [23] And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.
Sodom and Gomorrah:   Genesis 13: [13] But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 18: [17] And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do; [20] And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;
Genesis 19: [1] And there came two angels to Sodom at even; [13] For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to destroy it. [24] Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; [27] And Abraham got up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the LORD: [28] And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.
The Great Tribulation Period:   Revelation 11: [15] And the seventh angel sounded;… [18] And shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. [19] …and there were lightnings, and noises, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.
Revelation 11:18. The Greek Text:  καὶ διαφθεῖραι τοὺς διαφθείροντας τὴν γῆν
In Revelation 11:18, the Greek word for the second English word “destroy” has to do with morality. With an in-depth study from the New Testament Greek language, this phrase can be translated as: {and destroy and bring to ruin; causing them to perish; to kill them; which destroy by morally corrupting the occupants of the earth and have caused the inhabitants to become thoroughly rotten, by changing their minds and morals for the worse.}
Revelation 16: [17] And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. [18] And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. [19] And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nation’s fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. [20] And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. [21] And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.
The next destruction of humanity will primarily be by:
Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Volcanic Fire!!!
A link to the currently active Volcanoes:
Videos about a hole in the Ocean floor by the West Coast of the USA:
01.  A hole in the bottom of the ocean! | World News | WION
02.  Gravitas: Will the Pacific Ocean witness a mega quake?
03.  Bottom of The Ocean Is Leaking Water Upwards | Palki Sharma
Here are a few Links, that will give the viewer an idea of what the overall Great Tribulation Period entails; as this will be a Global Volcanic event:
Here are a few Links about: a Comet hitting the Earth; which will fulfill the 3rt Trumpet and the 3rd Vial of the Book of Revelation.
01.  Comet


Check out these links for information about the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt This is the location of trillions of comets. Eventually, one of them will hit the earth!!! It might be a “Super Comet.” Just type the words: Super Comet in the search section on the Internet and you should find some information.

01.  Oort Cloud

02.  Oort Cloud Images

03.  Kuiper Belt


The Great Tribulation of Volcanic Hail

During the Great Tribulation Period, the words, “great hail” are mentioned as occurring on the Seventh Trumpet in Revelation 11:19 and on the Seventh Vial of Wrath in Revelation 16:21.  These two words describe something out of the ordinary.

First, it expresses the idea of being “great.” This is not something typical as if being a thunderstorm.

Second, the “hail” is associated with: [“shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth; lightning and voices and thundering and an earthquake; Rev.11:19.]—[and there were voices and thunders and lightnings and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts and the cities of the nations fell.  And every island fled away and the mountains were not found; every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great. Rev. 16:18-21.]

There is a very important question in which we should ask? Is this 7th trumpet, the last trump as was mentioned by the Apostle Paul concerning the “Rapture” of the saved? It would seem like “common sense”, to assume if there was a “last trump,” then there must be trumpets which have already sounded. Therefore, with just basic “common sense”, how about making a simple determination: The “Rapture” of the saved will be on the “last trump or the seventh trumpet of the seven angels.”

Revelation 8: [1] And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. [2] And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.

Revelation 8: [6] And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

Revelation 11: [15] And the seventh angel sounded;

I Corinthians 15: [51] Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, [52] In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

I Thessalonians 4: [16] For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: [17] Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. [18] Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

What can we learn from these verses of Scripture and from the following verses in Revelation 11:15-19 and try to make some practical “common sense” of this study.

1.  There are seven angels standing before God.

2.  Apparently, it would be correct to assume, it is God personally who has given atrumpet to each of the seven angels.

3.  The seven angels each have a trumpet and at a certain time period in the future, are ready to sound the trumpet.

4.  The 1st angel sounds: Revelation 8: [7] The first angel sounded.

5.  The 2nd angel sounds: Revelation 8: [8] And the second angel sounded.

6.  The 3rd angel sounds: Revelation 8: [10] And the third angel sounded.

7.  The 4th angel sounds: Revelation 8: [12] And the fourth angel sounded.

8.  The 5th angel sounds: Revelation 9: [1] And the fifth angel sounded.

9.  The 6th angel sounds: Revelation 9: [13] And the sixth angel sounded.

10.  The 7th angel sounds: Revelation 11: [15] And the seventh angel sounded.

11.  The Apostle Paul is about to reveal a mystery.

12.  Those dead carnal natures of saved souls in the grave are about to be changed.

13.  In a moment of time, as fast as the eye can blink, at the last trump.

14.  A trumpet will sound and the mystery takes place.

15.  The dead are raised from the corruption of the grave and are changed.

16.  The Lord descends from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel and with the trump of God. (What does the Lord do with this trump of God? Is is a new trump or is it a trump already given to one of the angels? Perhaps one of the seven?  Is it a “special trump” for a “special purpose?”)

17.  The dead carnal natures of the saved are raised.

18.  The living saved souls are caught up with those previously raised.

19.  They are together with the Lord.

20.  The 7th angel sounds and there are great voices in heaven making a proclamation.

21. This proclamation declares the coming fact of the kingdoms of this earthly world are about to become under the Kingship of the Lord Jesus Christ.

22.  The nations of the earthly world are angry, because the wrath of God is about to take place.

23.  Before the wrath occurs, there is a time of the judging of the dead and to distribute rewards in the spiritual kingdom.

24.  The purpose of the wrath of God will be to destroy those of humanity who have morally corrupted the earth. (And should destroy them which destroy the earth.) The Greek word for the second English word “destroy” has to do with morality. It can be translated as: and destroy and bring to ruin, causing them to perish, which destroy by morally corrupting the occupants of the earth and have caused it to become thoroughly rotten.

25.  The temple of God is made visible to the Apostle John.

26.  On the earth, there are certain geological events: and there were lightning and voices, and thundering and an earthquake, and great hail.

These Scriptures are Links. Just click on any seven of them for more information.

01.  Revelation 11:15 

02.  Revelation 11:16

03.  Revelation 11:17

04.  Revelation 11:18

05.  Revelation 11:19

06.  Revelation 11:18 Bible Lexicon

07.  Greek Word for “Destroy.”

Volcano Lightning and Ash Fall:

01.  Volcano Lightning

02.  Volcano Ash Fall 

03.  Volcano Hazards

For a better understanding of the word “hail,  as mentioned in Revelation 8:7; 11:15-19 and 16:17-21, just do some research on the words: Volcanic Bomb.

01.  Volcanic Bomb

02.  Volcanic Bomb Images

03.   Plate Tectonics

04.   Plate Boundaries

  • Destroy them which destroy the earth. (To bring to ruin) them which (morally corrupt) the earth. Revelation 11:18b.
  • Check out these Websites to see how God will use the “blood like-substance” or the “blood of the earth” to put an end to the gross immorality of humanity… When the great earthquakes really begin to happen, the surface of the earth will crack open and the “burning hot magma” from the interior of the earth will literally “burn” humanity from off the surface of the earth… God will use the earth to bring about the fulfillment of His Biblical Prophecies…
  • 01.  Earthquake Cracks
  • 02.  Lava Flow
  • 03.  Earthquake Fissure
  • ***
  • A Blood-Like Substance Arises From Under The Earth In The Jordan River Valley Outside The City Of JerusalemAnd the angel thrust with intense violence, his gathering hook and sickle for harvesting, into the earth and gathered the vine and vintage of the earth and cast and threw it into the great trough, wine-vat and winepress of the fierce indignation and wrath of Deity; the very exceeding great God. And the great trough, wine-vat and winepress was trodden without the city and a blood-like substance came out of the winepress, even up to the horse bridle-bits, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs…(1,600 furlongs times, 606.75 Greek feet, divided by 5,280 English feet, equals 183.86 miles). Revelation 14:19-20.              

01.   Volcano Lava

  • ***
  • Earthquakes and Volcanoes will be the main events of the Great Tribulation Period; with the Seven Trumpets and the Seven Vials of the Book of Revelation.
  • 01.  SURREAL Volcano Eruptions Caught On Camera
  • 02.  Top 10 Volcano Eruptions Caught On Camera
  • 03.  5 Stunning Volcano Eruptions Caught On Camera
  • 04.  15 Minutes of Monster Volcano Eruptions
  • 05.  5 Volcanoes More Dangerous Than Yellowstone
  • 06.  5 Volcanoes That Could Erupt in 2022
  • 07.  5 INCREDIBLE Volcano Eruptions Caught On Camera
  • 08…
  • ***
  • A list of many excellent Volcano Videos:
  • 01.  OzGeographics/Videos
  • ***
  • The Extinction Cycle a.k.a. the Biblical Great Tribulation Period***When the coming Extinction Cycle a.k.a the Biblical Great Tribulation Period actually begins with the Great Earthquakes; Massive Volcanic Eruptions; Tsunamis on a Global scale; a Comet hits the earth; the Magnetic Field weakens and allows Comic Lightening to strike the earth; and all the World Governmental, Corporate Business and Mainstream Religious Leaders, including all of the so called powers-that-be fail to provide Truthful answers; how are the almost 8 billion masses of humanity going to feel, when their lives are about to vanish away?***It is going to be so amazing when these events begin to unfold and the people who present themselves as Leaders of People, (great and powerful), become nothing but mere frighten helpless creatures of earthen clay.***Video Link: The Great Tsunamis When The Earth Turns Over; Sep 9, 2022***
    Video Links:
    01.   The Great Tsunamis When The Earth Turns Over; Sep 9, 2022
    02.  Cyclical Disaster | What’s Coming Next; Sep 11, 2022
    03.  Galactic Disaster Evidence | Nearby Superflares; Sep 15, 2022
    04.  Preparing for Disaster; Sep 22, 2022


    Here are some Excellent, actually; they are Most Outstanding Videos from:

    Be sure to take time to watch them.

    They will help you to understand how God will use the Earth to bring about the Great Tribulation Period with the use of Earthquakes and Volcanoes, including Tsunamis, which are produced by Underwater Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, throughout the Oceans and Seas of the world.








    and amazing photos:

    and their shop:


    01.   20 Largest Earthquakes in the World
    02.   Global Earthquakes
    03.   Megathrust Earthquake List
    04.   Megathrust Earthquake
    05.   Megathrust Earthquake Images
    06.   Historical Earthquakes
    07.   Deadly Earthquakes since 1900
    08.   8.0+ Earthqauake in Images
    09.   8.0+ Earthqauake in Videos
    10. 8.0+ Earthquake List


    June 2, 2022: a new galaxy discovered as to be the farthest from earth.
    01.    New Galaxy Farthest from Earth
    02.   New Galaxy Farthest from Earth in Images
    03.   Farthest Galaxy From Earth; Jan 22, 2022
    05.   Deep Universe Observatory videos
    06.   HD1 (galaxy)
    07.   Galaxy Cluster
    08.   Supercluster
    09.   List of Largest Cosmic Structures
    10.   List of the Most Distant Astronomical Objects
    11.   Blue Variable Star
    12.  Luminous Blue Variable
    13.   The Largest Black Holes in the Universe; Sep 26, 2012
    14.   Stunning Portrait of the Milky Way Galaxy; Dec 31, 2008
    15.   Hubble Dazzling First Light Images in HD; Sep 9, 2009
    There is virtually an unlimited amount of comprehension in the Universe. It is going to be so amazing, when True Christian Believers enter into infinity!!! Likewise, it is going to be very unfortunate for others, who are not True Christian Believers, but simply put on a show of religion or else those individuals who have never been Saved by Grace through Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    June 14, 2022: Hey Viewers, if any??? Here is a brief review with links about some Bible Prophecy dealing with Islam, Judaism and Roman Catholics.
    01.  There are several pages of studies on this website about how the Roman Catholics will unite with Islam and eventually with the Biblical Antichrist of the 10 Islamic nations in the Middle East; which will form an Islamic Caliphate. Sometime during this 3 ½ year time frame, the followers of Islam will turn against the Catholics within the region and basically pillage and burn their buildings, then kill them by the millions.
    02.  Islam in a round-about-way is trying and will more so in the future, to deceive the Jews in Israel; that they want peace, at least in some regards, among some groups of people. This will catch them off guard; then the Islamic masses surrounding the nation Israel will conduct a surprise military attack and kill 2/3rds of the Jewish population, capture Jerusalem and all the land from Dan to Beersheba; then hold it for 3 ½ years. There are about 6,894,000 Jews in Israel. The Bible informs us that of this Jewish population, 2/3rds will be killed during the invasion from the Islamic forces, which will amount to about 4,619,000 Jews; more or less, depending on when this invasion occurs.
    03.  The followers of Islam during this end time prophecy, will be giving an allegiance to the Biblical Antichrist or Beast of Revelation. This person is the Islamic leader of the core 10 Islamic Nations that unite to form this Caliphate in the Middle East. At the end of this 3 ½ years at the Battle of Armageddon; when it is assembled in the Valley of Megiddo, (Megiddo valley is also called Plain of Esdraelon or Plain of Jezreel (Vale of Jezreel) the Jordan River Valley will spread apart enough to create a Basalt Lava Field and destroy the majority of the army of the Antichrist. The masses of Islamic followers, along with the Islamic Antichrist and the Islamic Religious leader will all be cast into the Lake of Fire.
    04. This study reminds me of the Story of Babel, when people built a tower and were of one language, then God came down and put an end to their project. The Great Tribulation Period will be a process of putting an end to this one world type religious merger. Of course, most people will not accept this fact; but this new world religious merger will only be allowed to exist for a few years; as the Great Tribulation Period, with the Wrath of God from the Book of Revelation will put an end to this process; with the destruction of most of the population of the world and finally the complete and total burning of the Vatican City in Rome, Italy by the Volcanic Fire from the Volcanic Complex above the Subduction Zone, then the entire land will subside into Hades; and then being covered by the Mediterranean Sea. This will be the End of the Vatican City, as the leadership of this religious system will not be allowed to enter into the Millennial Reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Here is where the Vatican City and it’s leadership will be going in the near future; including all the followers of Islam; the Devil; the Islamic Antichrist, who is the Islamic Leader of the Caliphate and the Islamic False Prophet; the masses of False Religions; the Atheists and every human being who is considered accountable to be able to make a decision about receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior; but will not put their Faith in the Blood Sacrifice of Christ alone. There future is under the crust of the earth, which is Hades or even further down, within the core of the earth and eventually they all will be cast into the Lake of Fire, which will probably be some form of energy, beyond the elements of the present earth or even the stars in the universe. At least you will not be concerned about Climate Change or Global Warming!!! Wow, I made a little joke!!!
    Revelation 14: [9] And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, [10] The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: [11] And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
    Revelation 19: [20] And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
    Revelation 20: [10] And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. [11] And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. [12] And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. [13] And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. [14] And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. [15] And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
    Here is a preview of your future!!!
    01.   Earth Core
    02.   Earth Mantle
    03.   Earth Interior
    04.   Earth Magma Core
    05.   Sun Core Temperature
    06.   Sun Core Temperature Images
    07.    Star Core Temperature
    08.   Star Core Temperature Images
    09.   Hottest Star Temperature
    10.    Hottest Star Temperature Images
    An upper layer of the sun’s atmosphere called the photosphere has a temperature of about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. If one compares this temperature to the Earth’s core temperature, which is approximately 10,800 degrees Fahrenheit, one finds that the Earth’s core is hotter than this layer of the sun’s surface. However, the sun’s core temperature can be as high as 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. If one compares this to Earth’s core temperature of 10,800 degrees Fahrenheit, then the sun’s core temperature is much hotter than that of the Earth’s core. If one goes more in-depth into the universe, a helium flash in the core of Red Giant Stars; the temperature reaches 200 million Kelvin = 359,999,540 degrees Fahrenheit.
    Perhaps the hottest place is in the star core temperature that rises to over 100 billion degrees Fahrenheit as the iron atoms are crushed together, just before a star goes supernova, then turns into a black hole.
    Of course, these temperatures are estimated; but such places will not be a pleasant environment to exist in for eternity!!!
    Genesis 11: [1] And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.[2] And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. [3] And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. [4] And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. [5] And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. [6] And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. [7] Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. [8] So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. [9] Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
    05.  Here are some interesting links. I am not going to include all of the links here to the studies on this site, if you are interested enough, then take time to scroll down the page list and look them up or you can also use the Search Button at the top of the page for faster results.
    A.    Abrahamic Family House from Wikipedia
    B.    Abrahamic Family House on the Internet
    C.    Abrahamic Family House in Images
    D.   Chrislam
    E.   Chrislam Movement and the Pope
    F.    One World Religion Headquarters
    G.    Pope Announces New World Religion
    H.   One World Religion Headquarters to Open 2022
    I.    Catholic Muslim Interfaith Council
    J.   Chrislam One World Religion
    A.   My study:  Roman Catholicism in the End Times
    May 26, 2022:
    There will be a comet coming in the future; as it will be Trumpet 3 and Vial 3 of the Book of Revelation, as it will actually hit the earth’s atmosphere, melt and cause a massive meteor storm, with the chemical poisons being absorbed into the hydrological cycle possible over Eurasia. Here are some interesting links about the subject:
    01.   Fire In The Sky! Comet SW3; May 24, 2022
    02.   fragments-of-a-dying-comet
    03.   shattered-comet-tau-herculids-meteor-shower
    04.   dying-comet a good show
    05.   tau-herculid-meteors-may-intense-shower
    06.  crumbling-comet-could-create-new-meteor-shower
    Some studies on my website:
    01.   revelation-3rd-trumpet-and-3rd-vial
    02.   science-in-revelation-part-12-comet
    03.   seven-trumpets-of-revelation-3rd-trumpet
    04.  seven-vials-of-revelation-3rd-vial
    05.  wormwood-stinks-comets
    06.   wormwood
    The general focus of this website is to provide Biblical, Astronomical, Geological and Meteorological; including Middle East Political events, related to the Islamic Caliphate that are forthcoming; with information about the Great Tribulation Period from the 7 Trumpets and 7 Vials of the Book of Revelation and the Parousia of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    There is sufficient study material on this website to serve as a guide towards understanding the Truthful Teaching of the Biblical Antichrist and his Islamic Caliphate in the Middle East Region; the Great Tribulation Period; the Seven Trumpets and Vials of the Book of Revelation; the 45+/- Days of the Wrath of God; the Rapture of the True Christian Believers, a.k.a. the Catching Out; the Parousia of the Lord Jesus Christ; and finally, some general information about the beginning of the Millennial Reign.
    Here are some interesting Videos about the Economy. This is important, as the economy worsens, this will cause the rise of the Biblical Antichrist in the Middle East Region and eventually the Mark, Name and Number of the Beast, 666; which will basically be a means of identification, mostly used in the Islamic Caliphate Empire for the food rations program.
    01.    Mark, Name and Number of the Biblical Antichrist
    01.    Gravitas: US stocks lose $7 trillion in 2022; May 13, 2022
    02.   Gravitas Plus: a Debt Storm is Coming; May 14, 2022
    01.Video Link.   Mount Edgecumbe Volcano; Apr 14, 2022

    A Big Solar Storm may be coming in 2022:

    01.Video Link.   Big Solar Storm Coming Soon? Mar 7, 2022


    Coronal Mass Ejections from the Sun. I believe eventually, these charged particles will hit the Earth in the Future; that will be so intense, they will penetrate through an opening in the Magnetic Shield, as it will be at a weaken state; then upon striking the Earth, will cause the three Earthquakes, with the 3rd being the Greatest Earthquake in Human History, as is mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

    Page on Website:  01C Geomagnetic Storms

    Page on Website:  01C Solar Activity

    Page on WebsiteCosmic Lightning

    01.Video Link.    Sun Erupts at Earth; Mar 10, 2022

    02.Video Link.   Solar Eruption; Mar 11, 2022

    03.Video Link.   Solar Flare; Mar 12, 2022

    04.Video Link.   CME Impact; Mar 13, 2022

    05.Video Link.   CME Impact; Mar 14, 2022

    06.Video Link.  Many Solar Flares; Mar 28, 2022

    07.Video Link.   7 Solar Flares; Mar 29, 2022

    08.Video Link.   Solar Storm Approaching; Mar 30, 2022

    09.Video Link.   X Class Solar Flare & CME; Mar 30, 2022

    10.Video Link.    Strong Geomagnetic Storm in Progress; Apr 10, 2022


    There are a few verses in the Book of Revelation that have the word: lightning in the text.

    It is possible, this Cosmic Lightning could occur and cause Earthquakes, which in turn cause Volcanic Eruptions, which have Volcanic Lightning!!!

    Here are the Verses in Revelation. It starts with the Seven Trumpets and Ends with the Seven Vials of the Wrath of God.

    1. Revelation 8:5: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.

    2. Revelation 11:19: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.

    3. Revelation 16:18 & 21: And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. [21] And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.


    Here is a brief statement of what I a referring to, with regards to Cosmic Lightning:  “For an hour on March 13th, a big crack opened in Earth’s magnetic field – one of the biggest in years (For specialists: BsubZ less than -20 nT),” Dr. Tony Phillips of noted.“Solar wind poured through the gap, adding its energy to that of the CME which struck earlier in the day. This increases the chances that high-latitude auroras may remain visible at least through the early hours of March 14th.” What Dr. Phillips described took place from 21:33 to 22:36 UTC.  From:   Watchers.News/2022/03/13/CME Hits Earth


    Awesome Video; be sure to take time to Watch it…!!!

    01.Video Link.  Asteroid Impacts; Mar 8, 2022


  • As of August 26, 2023, there are currently 69 similar pages on all of my websites; with enough information to provide the viewer, a very good overview of the Great Tribulation Period. I will now focus on adding the audio Sermons back online.
    For a list of the current Sermons online; go to:  Sermons on
    In March, 2023: I deleted 600+ pages; on the new primary website: .
    Unknown to me, Word Press automatically deletes pages in the Trash folder after 30 days, so most of the 600+ to 700+ pages are now all gone; that I had planned to review and restore some of them. O’ well. Those things happen!!!
    Likewise, I actually permanently removed the databases of the 700+ pages; hundreds of Videos and the 2,186 Audio Sermons on the Audio Websites and have now added similar pages and am in the process of uploading the Audio Sermons back online. This removed all of the clutter and broken links on all of the websites in a one time process; as to begin anew. The pages that are online now, are all that I have and will probably not add any more; as I just need to move forward with other projects.
  • If you find some Pages/Links on the Internet that were the older pages/links and they redirect to the Home Page; then that was a page lost. I have no way to recover any of them. I have other projects that take my time and will very much limit my time to the Websites anymore.
  • Fare ye well to one and all, throughout the world; as we are in for a wild ride in the future!!!
  • ***